From financial bungling to bad organisation to the possibility of construction work not being complete on time -- it's all happening around the Delhi CWG. With days to go before the event begins, it's anyone's guess how the Games will unfold.
Given that questions were always there, although unspoken, of India's capability to host an international sporting extravaganza, the Organising Committee should have worked doubly hard to ensure that nothing was off-key, both in the run-up to the Games as well as to the actual event.
Alas, but that was not the case. With the result that the CWG, instead of boosting India's image globally, has left it in tatters.
Do you think the situation can still be redeemed? If yes, here's your big chance to share your ideas with the world!
Tell us five urgent steps which you think can roll back the negative developments and ensure that we can redeem ourselves -- both in our eyes and the world's!
- Have your say