The CID, entrusted by the West Bengal government to conduct a parallel probe into the police firing in Nandigram that claimed 14 lives, on Wednesday faced protests when personnel went to make inquiries at Tamluk Hospital where the injured are being treated.
The injured began shouting slogans as the 10-member CID team went to the ward where 51 injured are being treated.
The injured, including 32 women, alleged to media persons that the team did not speak to those who had sustained bullet injuries or were seriously injured, but questioned a few with lesser injuries.
They alleged the team, escorted by hospital superintendent Sabitendra Patra, also did not speak to two rape victims admitted there. The team was in the hospital for over an hour during which no photo-journalists were allowed inside.
CID's Special DIG Niranjan Pandey later said the team had been to Sonachura and Nandigram areas.
"We have heard the problems of the people and we will submit a report to the government," he said.
On Tuesday, Communist Party of India parliamentarian Probodh Panda had been heckled by the injured when he went to the hospital to enquire about them. The CBI is also probing the police firing on March 14 on the orders of the Calcutta high court.