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January 22, 1998


Manifesto of the Left parties

For betterment of citizens's lives

The overall progress of the country can be ensured only when the people experience all-round improvement in their material and cultural lives. The neglect of the social sector must be abandoned and State expenditure stepped up substantially.


The Left parties pledge to :

* Introduce compulsory primary education accompanied by free mid-day meals, provision of textbooks and other education materials.

  • Free and universal education must be guaranteed for all children up to the age of 14 years. The 83rd Constitutional amendment making education a basic right should be adopted for children upto the age of 14.
  • Rapid expansion of primary school network.
  • Upgrade the salaries of elementary school teachers and provide schools equipped with minimum facilities.
  • Syllabus and curriculum to inculcate secularism, progressive values, scientific temper and national unity.
  • Allocation of 10 per cent of the Union Budget and 30 per cent of states's budget for education.
  • Support to mass literacy programmes.
  • Democratisation of the higher education system and development of vocational education.


Liberalisation has led to neglect of the public health system and cutbacks in expenditure on public health. Epidemics and mass outbreak of water-borne disease are taking a heavy toll of lives.

In this connection, the Left parties advocate:

  • Immediately increasing the expenditure on public health to 5 per cent of the GDP (at present it is a miserable 1.12 per cent).
  • Provision of adequate network of primary health centres with sufficient stocks of medicines as laid down by the Ministry of Health itself.
  • Ensuring supply of essential drugs at prices affordable to the common people.
  • Increasing the outlay on preventive medicine and eradication of disease like malaria, tuberculosis etc.

Water Resources

  • There should a National Water Policy. Provide for community/Panchayat role in management of water resources. Exercise control on indiscriminate use of ground water.
  • Drinking water is a problem in two lakh villages. Provision of potable drinking water to all villages must be a priority task.


  • Housing to be accorded the status of a basic right; housing schemes for urban and rural poor to be stepped up.


  • Guarantee right to work as a fundamental right.
  • Provide food-for-work programmes to generate employment.
  • Ensure adequate credit for self-employment schemes for educated unemployed, artisans and handicapped persons.
  • Scrap freeze in recruitment and cuts in existing employment in the government sector.


Women are struggling to acquire equal status in all spheres -- social, economic and political. The Left parties have been the firmest champions of women's rights and for ending gender discrimination.

  • Implementation of equal rights and other legal and constitutional guarantees.
  • The Left parties have consistently fought for the adoption of the constitutional amendment providing for one-third reservation for women in legislatures, in the last parliament. The Left parties are committed to see this is implemented in the new Parliament expeditiously.
  • Special schemes for female-headed households in rural areas and increasing employment opportunities for women. Strict measures against atrocities on women and legislation to check sexual abuse of children.
  • Equal legal rights for women of all communities should be provided.
  • Equal rights in property and joint matrimonial property rights; compulsory registration of marriages.
  • Abolition of child labour
  • Universal provision of child care services.

Population Policy

Conduct widespread campaign for a family size norm of two children per couple without any gender bias. Withdraw the proposed 79th Constitutional Amendment Bill for disqualification of all those who have more than two children as it will militate against women's interests.

For social justice

The struggle to end social exploitation and caste discrimination requires a sustained struggle to fight all forms of caste oppression and inhuman practices like untouchability. The State should undertake not only to implement laws in this respect but also discharge its responsibilities to propagate against casteism.

The Left parties call for:

Dalits and Adivasis

  • Stringent action against atrocities against scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and invoking of the provision of the Prevention of Atrocities Act for this purpose.
  • Ensuring that quotas for reservation for scheduled castes and tribes are filled up.
  • OBC reservation to be implemented.
  • Reservation to be extended to Dalit Christians.
  • Protect land rights of adivasis and restore land alienated from them illegally.
  • Ensure the right of access to forests and forest produce; the Forest Act be amended for this purpose.
  • Regional autonomy should be provided for tribal compact areas wherever necessary
  • Foster the development of the languages and culture of the Adivasis.

Rights of Minorities

  • Protection of the just rights of the minorities; implement provisions of the Constitution to prevent discrimination;

Special schemes for promoting educational facilities for deprived minorities

Protection and encouragement of Urdu language


  • A national youth policy must be adopted which comprehensively deals with issue of special concern to youth.
  • The State should provide for an adequate network of sports and cultural facilities for youth in all parts of the country.

Media and Culture

The State should provide facilities for development of secular and democratic culture. The diverse cultural traditions of the people must find free expression and equal treatment by the State.

  • All national languages listed in the Eighth schedule of the Constitution should be equally encouraged and developed.
  • The Prasar Bharati Corporation must be strengthened so that it becomes a genuine public broadcasting service. There has to be legislation to prevent growth of monopolies in the print and electronic media which is inherently undemocratic. No foreign ownership of print media. Revamp the proposed Broadcasting Bill in this light.
  • Enforce a media code for satellite broadcasters.
  • Ensure that states have a say in media policy and programmes in the public broadcasting service.

Science and Technology

In promoting self-reliance, it is essential that a science and technology policy be adopted which provides for development of scientific institutions and development of substantial R&D potential in India. A patents policy which promotes indigenous research and scientific development must be adhered to. Any review of the Indian Patent Act of 1970 should safeguard the interests of Indian industry, research priorities, self-reliance, food-security, public health and national security.


  • Formulate an environment policy which is integrated with the needs of rapid and sustainable development.
  • Strict control must be exercised against industries using hazardous technology which affects the health of workers and the neighbourhood.
  • Stringent action should be taken against contractors illegally cutting down forests.
  • There has to be a uniform national rehabilitation policy for persons displaced by development projects.
  • Develop mass-transit and public transport system to curb vehicular pollution.

Strengthen Democratic System

The Left parties will work for strengthening the parliamentary democratic system. They will oppose any move to truncate parliamentary democracy or alter it by introducing the Presidential form of government. Any move to undermine parliamentary democracy will usher in authoritarianism to which the Left is totally opposed. The first step to strengthen parliamentary democracy in the country is to ensure electoral reforms.

Electoral Reforms

These must include:

  • Amendment of Section 77 of the Representation of People's Act to plug loopholes in enforcing ceiling on election expenditure by bringing all election expenses including those by parties and friends in the candidates expenditure.
  • Proportional representation with partial list system.
  • Effective steps to prohibit persons with criminal background from contesting elections.
  • State funding in the form of material for recognised political parties.
  • Amendment of the Anti-Defection law so that any elected representative who leaves the party he or she represents has to vacate the seat forthwith.

Curb Corruption

  • Steps to curb corruption at all levels particularly those holding high public office. The Lok Pal Act should be adopted which will provide for investigation and binding recommendation on prosecution of public servants upto the level of prime minister. Provide for CBI and other investigating agencies getting functional autonomy to investigate cases leading upto prosecution.
  • The system of governance should be made more accountable for which citizens must have the right to information for which a Right to Information Act must be passed.

Judicial Reforms

* Constituting a National Judicial Commission for appointment of judges of high courts and Supreme Court. Reforms in judicial system to provide speedy relief at affordable cost to the common people and to heighten accountability.

  • There should be a proper balance in the relations between the legislature, judiciary and the executive and the exercise of powers in their respective spheres without encroaching into the legitimate domain of the other organs.
  • Devolution of powers from the Centre to the state with suitable constitutional amendments. Decentralisation of powers to the district bodies and panchayats; ensuring local participation in formulation of plans and projects.

Left governments

The Left-led governments of West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura have established the credentials of the Left. Implementation of land reforms, protection of the rights of the working people, decentralisation of power to the panchayats, preservation of communal harmony and taking democracy to the grassroots have been some of the achievements of these governments. The Left wants these pro-people, democratic policies to be on the agenda of the Centre.

Voting for the Left Parties the CPI-M, CPI, Forward Bloc and RSP will be a mandate for:

  • Guaranteeing the secular-democratic basis of the Indian Republic and national unity
  • Pro-people economic policies.
  • Advancing the struggle for a corruption-free government and system
  • Ensuring a stable UF government which will work for growth with equity.

CPI manifesto for 1996 election
CPI-M manifesto for 1996 election