May 3, 2000
Indian Tax
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Real Estate

G E Shipping MQ 2000 net profit at Rs 248.90 million, income from operations at Rs 2314.70 million |
The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd has announced a net profit of Rs 248.90 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2000 as against Rs 420.90 million in MQ 99. The sales are marginally down by 6.62 % at Rs 2314.70 million. Other income is Rs 186.60 million (MQ 99 Rs 93.10 million). The other income for the quarter includes gains of Rs 47.60 million from sale of vessels and other assets (MQ 99 Rs 5.40 million). The company recorded a net profit of Rs 1104.50 million for the year ended March 31, 2000, as compared to Rs 1264.30 million in the previous financial year. The annual sales are Rs 9146.30 million as against Rs 9289.60 million in the financial year ending March 1999. On the equity capital of Rs 2588.40 million the company has reported an EPS of Rs 4.30 (FY 99 Rs 4.40) and a cash earnings of Rs 11.30 per share (FY 99 Rs 10.10).
Pursuant to a scheme of an arrangement passed by the Mumbai High Court the assets and liabilities pertaining to certain business activities of the Property Development Division of the company have been transferred to Gesco Corporation Ltd. w.e.f. April 1,1999. The scheme has, accordingly, been given effect to in the accounts for the current year. Therefore, the current year figures are not comparable with those of the previous year.
During the current year the company has changed its accounting policy in respect of stores and spares delivered on board rigs which have been charged to revenue in consonance with the said policy in respect of other ships. Due to the change in policy the repairs and maintenance expenses is higher by Rs 417 lacs with the corresponding reduction in profits for the year. During the quarter the Company has purchased a Harbour Tug, a Bulk Carrier, a Tanker and also sold a Tanker.
HDFC MQ 2000 net profit up by 23.16% at Rs.1339.70 million |
HDFC Ltd has announced a net profit of Rs. 1339.70 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2000 as against Rs. 1087.80 million in MQ 99, an increase of 23.16%. The sales for MQ 2000 are higher by 22.98% at Rs. 5705.10 million (MQ 99 Rs.4639.20 million). Other income is Rs 11/-million (MQ 99 Rs. 39.60 million). The profits for the year ended March 31, 2000 are Rs. 4018.10 million, as compared to Rs. 3339/- million in the previous financial year. The annual sales are up by 15.23% at Rs. 20128.60 million as against Rs 17468.70 million in the financial year ending March 1999. On the equity capital of Rs. 1191.10 million, the company has reported an EPS of Rs. 33.73 for the year ended March 31, 2000. |
Godrej Soaps net profit for FY 2000 at Rs. 609.9 million |
Godrej Soaps Ltd has announced a net profit of Rs. 609.90 million for the year ended March 31, 2000 as against a loss of Rs. 299.3 million in FY 99. The net profit includes Rs.509.5 million from the divestment of 18.42 lac shares in Godrej Sara Lee Ltd. The sales for FY 2000 are down by 18.96% at Rs. 7352.50 million (FY99 Rs. 9073.10 million). Other income is Rs12.40 million (FY99 Rs 24.90 million). On the paid up equity share capital of Rs. 597.9 million, the company has reported an EPS of Rs. 10.33 in FY 2000. |
Carbon Everflow FY 2000 net profit at Rs. 170.20 million |
Carbon Everflow Ltd has recorded a net profit of Rs. 170.20 million for the year ended March 31, 2000 as against Rs. 175.40 million in FY 99, a decline of 2.96%. The sales for FY 2000 are up by 12.40% at Rs 1386/-million as compared to Rs.1233.10 million in FY 99. Other income is Rs. 9.50 million (FY99 Rs 10.10 million). On the paid-up equity share capital of Rs. 124.9 million, the company has reported a fall in EPS at Rs 13.63 as against Rs. 14.05 in FY 99. |
J.L. Morison MQ 2000 net profit at Rs. 5 million |
J.L. Morison (India) Ltd has announced a net profit of Rs 5/-million for the quarter ended March 31, 2000 .The sales for MQ 2000 are at Rs 86.60 million. Other income is Rs 0.70 million. The profits for the year ended March 31, 2000 are Rs. 14/- million, as compared to Rs. 5.40 million in the previous financial year, an increase of 159.26%. The annual sales are 32.26% higher at Rs. 410/-million as against Rs. 310/- million in the financial year ending March 1999. |
Panjon MQ 2000 net profit at Rs. 1.11 million |
Panjon Ltd has announced a net profit growth of Rs. 1.11 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2000. The sales for MQ 2000 are at Rs. 26.81 million. The profits for the year ended March 31, 2000 are Rs 2.22 million and the annual sales are at Rs. 88.25 million. |
Dolphin Offshore recommends 20% dividend |
At a meeting held on April 27,2000 the Board of Directors of Dolphin Offshore Enterprises (India) Ltd recommended a 20% dividend (Rs. 2/- per share). The Register of Members and Share Transfer books of the Company will be closed from May 14 to May 26, 2000(both days inclusive). |
VLS Finance fixes record date for bonus shares |
VLS Finance Ltd has fixed June 1, 2000 as the record date for the issue of bonus shares. The company will issue two bonus shares for every one existing equity share held. |
Inditalia Refcon expects export orders |
Inditalia Refcon Ltd has informed the BSE that it has made substantial progress in the implementation of its software unit. The company's package of wireless telecommunication for export is being developed and as soon as the same is exported, the company expects to receive orders worth US $ 500,000. |
Deccan Polypacks to diversify business portfolio |
The Board of Directors of Deccan Polypacks Ltd has approved the company's diversification into the fields of bio-technology, plantation for Medicinal use and human consumption, cold storage, real estate and media. It has decided to amend the object clause of the MoA of the company for the said purpose. |
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