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    [2001 onwards]


'I am not hopeful about divestment'

Mumbai, October 4, 2002: 'However, I think growth will resume in six months. Be patient,' says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.

dayals : hello sir,do you see light at the end of the tunnel for our mkt.,especially when world market is sinking in apprehension of patriot v/s scud missiles? is it safer to invest in weaponeries?
Ramesh S Damani : Hello everybody. Thanks for joining. Let's start. Defense stocks have been overperforming recently, so you may be right.

baracuda : dear ramesh my condolences on the passing away of your beloved father.i hope i have read the news paper add correctly
Ramesh S Damani : My dad is fine. It was another broker Shri Ramesh M Damani, whose dad passed away. I am Ramesh S Damani

ajay : dear sir, i have bought HTMT at 300 and Balaji Tele at 112 should i add more?
Ramesh S Damani : I would not add the current two at these rates. However, both the companies are are doing well. I still own some HTMT.

baracuda : can i buy eserve at the current rates management bought it at570 will grow 25%this year says the management but will it again make a provision of7crs this year also do you expect a 20crs net profit for the full year
Ramesh S Damani : It is an expensive stock. I think growth will resume in six months time. So be patient.

ajay : some people are talking about index going below 2595 what is your view?
Ramesh S Damani : It could. However, let's hope not.The proposal to enhance derivatives list and IDR proposals are basically bullish for the market.

baracuda : does bel make sound investment at current price it both a growth stock also an assetplay and a good yield
Ramesh S Damani : The company is doing well. However, given the PSU malaise, I think it may underperform.

baracuda : do you think that kr vyasa bank should be bought at the current price as the record date is nearing
Ramesh S Damani : I am not buying it at current rates.

baracuda : in that case should i sell my bel have yu done so i bought it on your advice and still make profit on it
Ramesh S Damani : I am still holding on. However, I have held on for four plus years, so I have a high tolerance for pain.

ajay : i want to stop looking at price from day to day and want to invest for two years what stock would u recommend
Ramesh S Damani : I am advising two stocks for long-term holders- Mcdowell and Tata Honeywell. I own both.

winkie : wat do you thnk of ram naik's statement today tat he is not against divestment?
Ramesh S Damani : Triumph of hope over experience.

winkie : but personally wat do u feel which is better.. divestment or strategic sale
Ramesh S Damani : In most cases, strategic sales.

jay : hi rsd - what do we do for those bunch of !@#$ a north/south block
Ramesh S Damani : Exactly that!

baracuda : today ram naik is singing a different tune he is now not opposed to hp bp disinvestment he probably got rattled by the precipitious fall in the share pricebut its too late for the investors many have already sold out
Ramesh S Damani : Don't listen to talk, listen to action.

ajay : sir,at what index level would u suggest fresh buying ?
Ramesh S Damani : I mean according to value of stock, not value of index.

kjunny : hi!! How can a country like India survive with all the scam money doing the disappearing act
Ramesh S Damani : It's called fiscal deficit.

baracuda : i flex seems to be holding out against the regular falls we have in the market are yu studying it closely i applied for the ipo and got a small allotment what should i do
Ramesh S Damani : It is however long-term holding of employees which is a huge overhang.

dean : hi ramesh i hold hpcl do u think i should still hold oni bought the stock at u think i should buy more to average the price
Ramesh S Damani : If you believe that, divestment will happen in the next six months, yes. Otherwise no.

VishalM : is container corporation a value buy at 230 level? i feel its intrinsic value is atleast 800..ofcourse, it might not get disinvested
Ramesh S Damani : That's the point. Without that, the market is unlikely to unlock value.

trishul : Mr. Damani, How do U rate Hexaware it good to step in right now
Ramesh S Damani : Not bullish on it.

Ramesh S Damani : Do not want to hand over the "keys to the kingdom". Patronage depends on having access to PSU

VishalM : but don't u think that container corporation would keep on increasing its intrinsic value..and till then if one can get dividend yield of 7-8% its great buy for 5-6 year period
Ramesh S Damani : If you are that patient, sure.

Ramesh S Damani : i am here every Tuesday

dean : what is ur opinion on disinvestment taking place in the next 6 monthskeepin the fiscal defecit in mind dont u think there would be a pressure for privatisation
Ramesh S Damani : There should be, but don't hold your breath. As long as we have $60 billion in reserves, no urgency.

VishalM : can u suggest stocks like asian paints, hll, reliance, itc in making..which keep on growing year on year..without our needing to keep a tab on them?
Ramesh S Damani : In that case, ITC and HLL. I personally own a small amount of ITC.

aravind : sir can i risk buying silverline tech at low prices
Ramesh S Damani : I would avoid it.

Sunjay : Do u feel that the general public has lost investor confidence in the Sgare market?
Ramesh S Damani : Looks like that.

baracuda : mcdowell has launched its scotch in india it is also increasing its presence in neigboring countries has mallya finally woken up and should we buy more . why is he diversifying into autos
Ramesh S Damani : He is doing that in UB. It is a cheap stock and the risk reward favour you. But be patient.

sammy : HPCL, BPCL and GAIL are giving good dividend yeilds almost matching the banks FD's. Dont u think one can start investing at current prices. Why bother about disinvestment? If that happens then we have a bonus
Ramesh S Damani : True. However, they are monopolistic business. With deregulation of petrol, margins could come under pressure. Nothing particularly exciting about the refineries business.

ravi : lets make Salman Khan the Finance Minister... we'll see roll-overs then not roll-backs
Ramesh S Damani : haha.

Ramesh S Damani : Tisco should have good results for Q2.

VishalM : some small cap stock which gives a CAGR growth of 18-20% for next 7-8 about himatsingka, fortune informatics ?
Ramesh S Damani : I did buy some Himmat Singka. Q2 results will be poor. However, Q3 and Q4 should be better.

Sivakumar : Dear Mr Damani, would you track DSJ Communications? If so when could be entered into it?
Ramesh S Damani : I would avoid it, they have disappointed shareholders.

SSK : Now HFCL is a Great buy,What is your opinion??
Ramesh S Damani : Not excited by it.

eroych : SHIPPING CORP AT 70 - BUY?
Ramesh S Damani : Avoid it.

baracuda : are yu holding mcmillan or have yu sold it at a loss do yu see growth returning to it and how long should we hold it
Ramesh S Damani : I am still holding it. Company is doing well. I like their ITES business and it should start growing.

dayals : sir,in absensenof your clearcut reply about multibaggers,should i take mcdowell& tata honeywell as the the one or himmatsingka?Pls. respond
Ramesh S Damani : Mcdowell and Tata Honeywell for the patient. Tata Honeywell Q2 results will be flat. Good results should start from Q3 and Q4.

bhamani : Do the foreign investment poilcy ignite the market in India for the better ?
Ramesh S Damani : Income in insurance cap will do good for the insurance market.

Ramesh S Damani : Selectively.

baracuda : have yu been to malaysia , genting and kl is it a good place for a small holiday and is the country relatively cheapi want to go somewhere
Ramesh S Damani : I have been there and I enjoyed it.

bhamani : As a common person ..where u will like to keep ur money ?
Ramesh S Damani : Ultimately, it has to be stocks.

Sivakumar : Damani Ji, I admire your analysis on CNBC. Recently you are not being seen on the channel, when are you going to be seen again on CNBC. Its always nice watching your analysis. Please give 2-month outlook on mastek, telco, zee, balaji.
Ramesh S Damani : Thanks for your kind words. I come approximately once a month on Taking stock. I don't fancy Mastek. The rest should do well in the next few months in an up market. I don't own any of them

srinivs : sir,to your answer to garry about the technology stockets, that can be selectively buy, what type of selection and any scrips pl.
Ramesh S Damani : Mainly BPO stocks and some niche companies. For frontline stocks, wait till Q2 results are out.

Sivakumar : Dear Sir, I want to learn tips and tricks of trading rather than investing. Since in the present day scenario, I personally feel, it is better to trade and book profits rather than falling in love (investing) with stocks. What are the resources to learn about indian stock markets. I am a molecular retail trader/investor. Please advice me.
Ramesh S Damani : Read a book called Trader Vic by Victo Sepranedo.The spelling of the name is probably wrong.

Ashok : sir why are ypu being so vague? Be specific, tell us the top 3 Scrips to buy for short term returns
Ramesh S Damani : Read my earlier asnwers.

bhamani : Sir, Can u suggest the ways to educate the people about stock markets ? Do u have any specific web site which will teach the basics to a common person?
Ramesh S Damani : Go to or

kamal : being a psu king,what do thing about new disinvestment move by the govt.
Ramesh S Damani : Not hopeful.

Ramesh S Damani : Both look okay at current prices.

Sivakumar : Sir, how did get you this kind of maturity about the financial markets in general and stock markets in particular. Do a person need to undergo any training? How can one reach up to your level? One day I would also like to be able to analyse stocks like you do today. Can that happen? I am Group C Govt of India employee.
Ramesh S Damani : Thanks again. The best way to learn is to invest. You will lose money. That is education fee. Over time, you will figure out what works for you. The education is important and intellectually fulfilling.

suds : when do u think will SEBI reduce the size of contracts in futures and options? Will it have any impact on the market liquidity?
Ramesh S Damani : It will. It is an important step to make the market liquid. It spells death of the cash market. Volumes will move to derivatives.

SANJAY : petrolium sector is free - what do see the future of IBP - is puerly marketing comany and the rate of 245 is not a bed for investment - pls advise
Ramesh S Damani : PSU stocks.

amzy : whats the difference between PE and PEG ratio
Ramesh S Damani : PE is price earning. PEG is price earning with reference to growth.

pips : Sirji, I hope you answer this question. Pls suggest to me some sectors where to invest money in. Also if you could specify stocks , it will be great ! Should i go for Mutual Funds. If yes, any specifics you think have the right portfolios. Pls ANSWER ! . Thanks in Advance.
Ramesh S Damani : I am bullish on BPO. I have said that patient investors who can wait for two years could look at Tata Honeywell, Max and McDowell. Be patient.

Sivakumar : Sir, daily how much time do you spend on analysing the stocks? What you ususally do during trading time? I mostly spend my time before streaming quotes
Ramesh S Damani : I read a lot. Lots of stuff that helps me the most.

Sonali : Dear Damaniji - Heard genesys has chalked out $4 million BPO initative at Pune.It has already been accumulated by few Mututal funds. Worth entering?????
Ramesh S Damani : I am not convinced about it. So passing up on it.

vinaytewari : i only want to know morepen furure, how do u look towards this script as there are lot of fluctuation on it.
Ramesh S Damani : I would avoid it.

madhu : heelo sir, can you please give ur opinion on short term investment for D-link and Zee
Ramesh S Damani : The most fortunes in Forbes 400 have been made in media. A valuable property at perhaps a lower price is Zee. I don't follow D-link.

sriram : last time once i asked u that shares go up only on manipulation. now seeing the way trading is going on, high net worth individuals and corporates are manipulating the market totally either way. do u agree or no?
Ramesh S Damani : No I don't. They tried to manipulate HFCL. What is the price today? It can't be done in the long run.

anaam : Sir, In your last chat you indicated that you were researching THOMAS COOK. Any progress?
Ramesh S Damani : Gujarat incident is again going to scare tourists.

SANJAY :  sir, you just said ----, i am bullish on BPO.i have said patient investorswho can wait for 2 yearscould look at1) Tata Honeywell2) Max3) McdowellBe patientWhat about eserve/ geometric/macmillian???
Ramesh S Damani : Those were earlier recommended. However, the other three are great values. The rest may have been discovered. These are newer ideas.

bhamani : I am been a great admirer of u , Can you tell me your hard experince on this field ?
Ramesh S Damani : Not thinking for myself. Being intellectually lazy. The market is a discipline, not fun.

Ramesh S Damani : Sorry Sonali, have not followed up.

sing : hello sir ,i would like to know the basic fundas of stocks ,where can i get those details,I mean some reference site or books.Thanks in advance
Ramesh S Damani : is a good site. Read One up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch.

VishalM : ramesh, selling at the right price and time is equally important as buying the right stock at the right time...but you never tell the target that one can keep a tab on when to sell
Ramesh S Damani : You are right. However, I rarely set sell targets. I hope to own the stocks I have for years to come. I am not a trader.

ravi : do you apply stop-losses for your long term investments ?
Ramesh S Damani : Very rarely.

bipashabasu : had bought max at 100-102 thinking it to be great value !!! Its become still greater value now.... How much more greater value will Max become now ?
Ramesh S Damani : Market is a tough business. Company is much cheaper than its parts. Once FDI cap goes up, insurance buyers will return.

piips : what time do you come online every tuesday Mr Damani?
Ramesh S Damani : Mostly at 1600 IST.

anaam : Sir, ET gave an award to Balaji fame Ekta but see how much damage she has done to the social fabric of our country. She is as such corrupting the mind so many people & her serials are like cancer. How can she be called business leader?
Ramesh S Damani : It's entertainment, not rocket science. People must learn to choose their own values.

Ramesh S Damani : it started late at 1730 IST. A notice was posted

SHAILESHBAGRI : Sir, in your last transcript you said that Tata Honeywell will do well as the BPO business will expand. Since the company is also into security based systems hence don’t you think that it will be double benefited with the increased demand for security systems and the future of BPO business prospects
Ramesh S Damani : I do. It is going to do well in both businesses I hope. Market cap is only Rs 200 crores. So it is cheap.

pavan : Sir im from UK here the people r paying tax regularly and here they dont have many resources,but our india has many resources compared to them then what is the main reason for their greater economy
Ramesh S Damani : Better govt, believe in private property and less corruption.

SHAILESHBAGRI : Sir, with a light heart, India’s outstanding performance in the ICC Champions Trophy fancies its chances for the world cup next year. According to you, if you were to guess, which teams would you pick for the World Cup final?
Ramesh S Damani : I think the indian team is a good contentdor. The new guys are great. If only Sachin would perform in the crunch. He is a big disappointment.

suds : Why r u allergic to stop loss points. Is it not a practical way to cut losses and accept your mistakes when they happen? Is it not prudent to cut your losses and allow your profits to run?
Ramesh S Damani : If you are a trader and not an investor. To be an investor, do your homework and have convcition. Let the marekt prove you wrong by numbers and not by price. Thanks for joining. See you next week.

Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST


'There are no triggers in the market'
'The worst may be getting over for tech'
'This is a body blow to the divestment process'
'The market for tech is reviving'
'Market is caught in a tough trading range'
'I hope they don't dismiss Shourie'
'Market lacks a trigger'
'Monsoon is not a prerequisite for a bull market'
'We have re-entered a bearish phase'
'We are still in a bull market'

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