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The Astad Deboo Chat

Bikram Hasmukh Shah (Fri Oct 18 23:18:56 1996 IST):

Astad, tell us, have you ever felt frustrated with your career. It must be very difficult making headway in a country when state patronage is so obviously biased and where I once read some dancers (female ones, I mean) kowtowed (now that's a euphemism) with ministers to get their things done!

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:20:02 1996 IST):

Bikram:There are a lot of frustrations in the performing arts. As regards women dancers one has heard but I really can't say for a fact.

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:20:26 1996 IST):

Charles: What do you want to Know?

J Srikantan (Fri Oct 18 23:20:28 1996 IST):

Have you ever been to Pakistan? Do you have any relatives there? I believe there are Parsis in Pakistan. I presume you are a Parsi.

Bikram Hasmukh Shah (Fri Oct 18 23:22:02 1996 IST):

Is Astad a Parsi? Kem cho saheb? I always thought there was a lot to be said about a tour of the typically Parsi towns near Bombay. It could be a wonderful tour for people who live near Bombay

icy (Fri Oct 18 23:22:45 1996 IST):

What was your reaction to proposal of dancing on wall of China, with Pink Floyd music? Why did you accept and what were your expectations before the global event.

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:23:21 1996 IST):

Ellen: As I don't perform very often in India only a few have seen my work but by and large the audiences who do come do appreciate. There are some who do not come out as converts to my art. My shows abroad, at times sponsored, and at times not. Occasionally I do commercial work in the field of dance.

Eskimo Chief (Fri Oct 18 23:23:25 1996 IST):

BYE, Mr. to go now. Lunch break's over. Nice chatting with you.

Ashwin S Nagarkatti (Fri Oct 18 23:24:20 1996 IST):

Sometime back, I asked which was the finest compliment you received in your career?

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:26:10 1996 IST):

Ashwin: the finest compliment I have received is from The Action Players, the hearing impaired actors, who thanked me for sharing my work and helping them experience movement.

Vidyashankar Subramaniam (Fri Oct 18 23:26:23 1996 IST):

If you were to take a holiday on a desert island and could choose one celebrity companion, whom would you take?And why?

Ashwin S Nagarkatti (Fri Oct 18 23:27:06 1996 IST):

Thank you, Mr Deboo. May I ask you what it was like working with Monsieur Cardin?

Dancer (Fri Oct 18 23:27:18 1996 IST):

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:28:04 1996 IST):

Icy: I did not dance to the music of Pink Floyd at the Great Wall of China (that was in London).n

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:28:22 1996 IST):

Vidyshankar: Does it have to be a celebrity?

Vidyashankar Subramaniam (Fri Oct 18 23:28:42 1996 IST):

I guess so.

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:29:10 1996 IST):

Srikantan: No I have not been to Pakistan. I hope one day to visit Mohenjadaro and the Harappan sites.

Bikram Hasmukh Shah (Fri Oct 18 23:29:47 1996 IST):

Which are your three most favourite tourist sites in India? Apart from Ladakh.

J Srikantan (Fri Oct 18 23:30:17 1996 IST):

Bye, Mr Deboo. I must get back to work. Good evening.

Bikram Hasmukh Shah (Fri Oct 18 23:30:57 1996 IST):


Ashwin S Nagarkatti (Fri Oct 18 23:31:50 1996 IST):

May I ask you what it was like working with Monsieur Cardin?

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:32:22 1996 IST):

Ashwin: Monsieur Cardin commissioned the work to choreograph a dance on Maia Plessetskia, the prima ballerina from the Bolshoi Ballet. So I really did not work with him directly. I did get to observe a lot of insights to Monsieur Cardin working habits quite a revalation.

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:33:14 1996 IST):

Bikram: Kerala. The backwaters.

Ashwin S Nagarkatti (Fri Oct 18 23:33:23 1996 IST):

Thanks. It has been an hour since you began chatting. It must be pretty late in India too. It is 2 pm here. Good night.

Ashwin S Nagarkatti (Fri Oct 18 23:33:39 1996 IST):

And all the very best for your career!

Ashwin S Nagarkatti (Fri Oct 18 23:33:48 1996 IST):

And your life!

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:36:09 1996 IST):

Bikram: Yes Astad is a Parsi name fortunately not very common. The Parsi towns near B'bay are Udwada, Bharuch, Navsari, Surat. Sure they are all rich in Paris history.

Vidyashankar Subramaniam (Fri Oct 18 23:36:38 1996 IST):

I guess I must be going. I need to finish quickly today. I have had a rough week. Have a nice weekend, Astad, and do post your response. I'll read it later. Bye for now.

Bikram Hasmukh Shah (Fri Oct 18 23:37:55 1996 IST):

Thanks, Astad. I live in Orlando and I do hope I get to see you in person soon. It was really nice speaking with you. Thank you for your time. Good night.

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:38:05 1996 IST):

Vidyashankar: I don't know celebrities who are interested in the great outdoors so it does become very difficult to answer your Q.

ASTAD DEBOO (Fri Oct 18 23:40:53 1996 IST):

Thank you for asking me on and I have never done a live chat interview and I hope to be back soon. Bye for now. Have a great one.

icy (Fri Oct 18 23:42:01 1996 IST):

What drove you to dancing? Dancing as an art has multi-colors. Each color is influenced by a culture & style. In this varied & competitive world of dance, how do you emphasise your color? what part of India are you from?

Nikhil Lakshman: (Fri Oct 18 23:43:08 1996 IST):

Thank you, Astad. It was good to have you with us. God bless and all the very best in everything you do. And hope to see you soon!

Nikhil Lakshman: (Fri Oct 18 23:43:08 1996 IST):

Thank you, Astad. It was good to have you with us. God bless and all the very best in everything you do. And hope to see you soon!