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Sep 26, 2001
Stock Talk

'Sensex will hold at 2500 points'

'If it breaks that barrier, it may plunge to 1980 points. This could be a long slump if the government does not wake up', says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.

deval : Mr Damani, How about Onward Techno with bit deteriorated balance sheet, but with bonus 2:3 ?
Ramesh Damani : IT's nuts. Company does not pay dividend, but gives a bonus. I own some, but am unhappy.

Kalyanaraman : one of the ways suggested to reduce the fiscal deficit is to sell you think any foreigner/strategic investor will come forward to buy any of our you think the balance sheet of our PSUs are as per international norms ?
Ramesh Damani : They will if the government will sell in a time bound manner. However I doubt it. Govt does not realise its importance.

deval : Mr Damani, Have you ever come across Jim Puplava's readings on present stock market scenario?
Ramesh Damani : No I have not. Any site I can check out.

Kalyanaraman : I am afraid that we can, in no way, avoid falling into a debt trap ,since the economy is running atleast to the extent of (say) 50% due to bad bank you see any ray of hope (realistic view) that we can avoid getting into a debt trap ?
Ramesh Damani : No. Especially if you look at looming problems of UTI & IDBI. Only growth can save us. I see no growth.

uio : yesterday there was some renewed interest in tech stocks. any particular reason for tat?
Ramesh Damani : Technical bouce is what I appropriate it too.

wess : market is goin deeper into red. What will happen to US 64 now
Ramesh Damani : I shudder to think. Already they are talking to postpone NAV date due not to hurting "investor sentimet". That is a joke.

rupali : the tech stocks still seem to be doing fine. what's the reason mr damani?
Ramesh Damani : They are? Which ones are you talking about.

arahaman : When VSNL is not privatised there are lot of hue and cry in the market. ButL&T is doing the same thing with their Cement divison, What is the response from the market?
Ramesh Damani : You are right. But look at the price of L&T. It gets hammered. Management has no respect for shareholders. This is underperforming.

shah : Dear Sir, From 1972 to 1992 investment in stocks were fetching an average return of 22/23 % return,when bank interest was around 16/18 % / annum.Now interest rate has gone down to 12/14 % . Do you think that same return can be fetched with this new rules of game?
Ramesh Damani : That would be impossible. You can't return those kind of numbers except in the middle of a bull market or with great inflation.

jas : Mr Damani, Do you feel e-serve will be affected due to the US situation ?
Ramesh Damani : I have just returned from E-serve AGM. They are cautious, but optimistic. Full year turnover should touch Rs 160-170 crores.

akshay : what do u think will be the valuation of i-flex shares post launch?
Ramesh Damani : It's difficult to say. However it should be benchmarked against INFY and WIPRO.

dips : What do you think of the level of involvement that people have once they buy a stock???? do they really follow the company's progress? why is that kind of education absent among most Indian investors?
Ramesh Damani : It is too broad a question.However we have become a nation of day traders. People do not focus on the long-term.

jas : Your view on Sonata for the long-term ?
Ramesh Damani : The stock has been in a freefall. I am not sure why. I would avoid it at current time because of lack of knowledge.

damn : mr damani.. how long will the slump last? :((
Ramesh Damani : Japan has been in a slump for 15 years. Thailand for 7-8 years. If govt does not wake up, this could be a long one.

jas : My personal view Mr Damani is that Blue Dart is a fantastic company because of their vision of being supply chain experts rather than just a courier company. Any comments ? Grossly undervalued I feel too..
Ramesh Damani : I like it and own it too. Take a look at Gati. It isalso in delivery/logistics business.It is a good business.

damn : ramesh bhai, which sector do u think looks worth investing in now?
Ramesh Damani : I like IT Enabled and Breweries.

jas : Also, geometric seems to be terribly undervalued. Any reasons/insights ?
Ramesh Damani : It is a good stock with good management. However, it is getting overcrowded by the big boys. Buy it around Rs 50-55.

bang : hmm.. wat do u thnk of the ub group? any particular recommendations when it comes to breweries?
Ramesh Damani : Mr Mallya has turned a new leaf. I think he will deliver to his shareholders. It is a very attractive business in the future due to the fact that India'spopulation is very young. Also no ads mean no new brands.

jas : But Dr Damani, Geometric operates in a niche largely untouched by the big boys...? So, they do have a story, right ?
Ramesh Damani : Yes they do. They have a market cap of Rs 25 crores and cash worth Rs 18 crores. Management is good. However visibility remains dim for the next year. This year is okay.

ramki : What is your view on Rolta and Silverline
Ramesh Damani : Avoid them. The days of momentum stocks are over.

Shivanee : Rameshji where do u see the Sensex at its bottom?
Ramesh Damani : The next support level is 2500 points. If we break that, it is 1980. I think we will hold at 2500.

Ashish : What u think about Reliance Petro
Ramesh Damani : UTI stock has a critical overhang. It would pose a problem.

sandeep : does daily trader earns?
Ramesh Damani : Not after July 2. (rolling)

Ashish : What u think about Tisco, Reliance, HLL at the current level? Please I really need ur advice.
Ramesh Damani : THe best of the three is HLL. The other two are under pressure from UTI and FII.

Rajeev : can u tell me about the fullform of NASTA & NIFTICAN U TELL ME WHAT IS THE FULLFORM OF NASTA & NIFTI
Ramesh Damani : No I can't. DO you mean NIFTY and NASDAQ ?

Shivanee : Rameshji even if military attacks by US on Afghanistan & Pakistan, will Sensex hold at 2500 or touch 2000?
Ramesh Damani : One can never predict accuarately. However 2500 is quite strong.

bipin : Which company benefited from present crises
Ramesh Damani : Defence companies and companies earning in dollars.

Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST.


'We have to bring the buyer back'
'Fiscal situation is getting out of control'
'Most traders lose money'
'I am not optimistic on the market'
'Futures and options are risky'
'A collapse will force long-term structural reforms'
'A sickness prevails in Dalal Street'
'The mutual fund industry has to grow up'
'The Sensex could go below 2900 technically'
'The market looks weak and vulnerable'
'The Finance Minister must take UTI to task'
'Market may rally to 4250-4500 after July 2'
'Hold serious investments till July 2'
'Another bull run will depend on FII investment'
'Market may be vulnerable to a few more shocks'
'People will have to start learning about derivatives'
'Buy an index fund'
'The market will be sluggish with sharp moves'
'The Sensex could rally to 3650-3800'
'We have made a technical bottom'
'The small investor has retired hurt'
'Let the guilty be punished'
'Market is overdue for a technical rally'
'Excessive speculation and outstandings caused crisis'
'One can start buying'
'Speculative bubbles always have bad endings'
'Sensex should cross 4550'
'Markets are nervous'
'Tech stocks will benefit from a soft Budget'
'A new bull market will have new leaders'
'The country seems to recover'
'The Sensex could test 4500'
'Old economy is in the limelight'
'Software stocks will have some more trouble'
'We should see a good pre-Budget rally'
'The market will punish excesses'
'A lot of middlemen will soon be looking for work'
'Trust in tech'
'The worst seems to be behind us'
'The market looks healthy to me'
'Support levels have been broken'
'Our future is in tech'
'Market pays for growth not size'
'India is an IT destination'
'We should retest 4485'
'The market is a buy'
'We should make a run for Sensex 5000'
'Markets may surprise on the upside'
'The rally seems stretched'
'We should build on this rally'
'Be careful around 4500-4600 levels'
'I see a small rally'
'The market seems to be in a coma'
'It's time to build stable ICE portfolios'
'The market seems poised to go higher'
'The market is making the bears fight'
'Build cash'
'4800 is a technical sell level'
'Take a look at Sensex futures'
'We are seeing a technical rally'
'The market is technically healthy'
'The rally should be led by the liquid A group stocks'
'The road to Dalal street is littered with broken dreams'
'Let's hope it holds at 4200'
'It was a financial Disneyland that corrected'
'Sensex levels above 5100 are not sustainable over next 4-6 weeks'
'We are in an intermediate bearish phase'
'Wait till the NASDAQ stabilises'
'Tech boom is for real'
'Watching the NASDAQ is faddish'
'The market looks ready for a rally'
'The market still lacks conviction'
'The market is falling of its own weight'


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