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April 23, 2002
Stock Talk

'BPO has global potential'

'IT-enabled services will be a $10-billion industry by 2008. Market capitalization of companies in the sector will soon reflect this,' says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.

Sheila : Ramesh, do Engineers India's future prospects look strong. Their intellectual assets are very good? And are results expected to be good too?
Ramesh S Damani : in the long run yes. However for a bidder 300 Rs represents fair value

vicky : dear sir, shall I buy tvse at this current price of 135?. I shall be thankful to you if you guide me.
Ramesh S Damani : I have been recommending it since 40.

Sheila : do you know results date for BEL and CONCOR??
Ramesh S Damani : I am afraid I don't

Anurajan : rameshji good evening. When every body wanted to rob the small investor you have guided them. Hats off to you. Please accept our thanks and greeting. Can you please tell us the capital markets you have visited other than in India, and which market is good according to you. Can you please compare Indian market and the above market?
Ramesh S Damani : thanks for the kind words. I have visited many markets. Most bull markets require a belief by the govt in free markets. It is very important. That is the best clue of a good market

sair : Good evening Dear RD, You are great, a perfect ,honest person. I made lot money in TVSE, just because of u..Pl give ur email id
Ramesh S Damani : thanks. This is the best place to reach me

burntfingers : Mr.Damani pls answer Barracuda's question. Why should citi group invest in progeon when they have a stake in e-serve?
Ramesh S Damani : bpo business is big. Citi has a 155 Billion market cap. It gives business to many co's. GE deals with dozens. e-serve can't handle all the work

Sheila : Any new entrants u spotted in BPO?? Does Hughes' look like it will do well in BPO, in case u heard their recent announcement??
Ramesh S Damani : looks like they will. Keep an eye on it

aminur : Ramesh MFR BPO is nothing but sub contractor business (TVSE). Is the margin high in that case?
Ramesh S Damani : About 7%-8%.

shetal : hello sir, how you see the prospect of Thermax, Essar Steel and Titan?
Ramesh S Damani : i own some titan. thermax is ok. avoid essar

sk : Sir, Market is giving very confusing signal - one side Modi Issue, Govt. fall , Gujarat violence - other side it rose today like anything - what do you feel how market will behave now , people are of the view index may touch 26-2700 level again
Ramesh S Damani : I hope not. However we will have a lifely and nervous debate in Parliament

tigershark : tigershark asked citigroup has picked up a 20%stake in a new venture of infy progeon by investing 125crs. They already have a 38%stake in e-serve. They should have used that money to increase their stake in e-serve which they value much higher than progeon. Your comments please
Ramesh S Damani : they are doing that separately. Also citi-venture has invested in Progeon. They invest in 100's of co's. This investment at this valuation validates the whole industry

sair : Dear RD, I invested 5 Lakhs of hard earn money just because of u, Credit goes to u, How can I praise u, no words from my heart. I like u very much
Ramesh S Damani : thanks. Thanks. It is very kind of you

babu : hello Mr RD, what do u say about Tata Infotech, Tata Elexi and CMC.KINDLY REPLY.
Ramesh S Damani : I would book profits in Infotech. Tata Elixi and CMC look ok. I own some of both

sk : Sir Gati results are not good - still we should hold
Ramesh S Damani : The co has a market cap of 56 crs. It is very cheap. Hold it.

BASANTM : Ramesh Hats off to the IT enabled bull. Geometric Mcap nearing 300 crores Np for the Cy between 18 - 20 crores. Do you advocate investors to hold / Book partial profits or is there something more in their JV with Dassault and Toyota. Looks like someone is aggressively accumulating the stock before the results
Ramesh S Damani : results will be in lien with the expectations. However the run up is huge. You could sell a little.

aminur : Ramesh at present my portfolio is fully loaded by your recommendation. Only Usha Martin Info is not doing well. May I hold it?
Ramesh S Damani : their parent co in Us is doing well. Hold it.,

vicky : Dear sir I missed the tvse bus. Kindly tell me some new one like tvse? Thank you.
Ramesh S Damani : i haven't bought anything new these days

sk : Sir we are not bothered abt index but do u feel even after a debacle in paliament abt modi issue - market will rise script wise
Ramesh S Damani : market is rewarding stock pickers.

tigershark : dear mr damani just deviating from the bpo call and tech business have you studied a co called kerala chemicals and proteins mishtibushi and nitta gelatine hold more than 50%stake while govt of kerala holds 25 bv of 93 was making losses now has stared making profits again. Equity only 8crs will make net of 3crs in march2002. Looks good
Ramesh S Damani : Not studied it. Thanks for the info

chirag : sir, do u see any good stocks below rs.50.00 levels to buy right now kindly answer me
Ramesh S Damani : A specualtive bet is IT&T around 55

BASANTM : Why isn't any Fund Manager/Analyst talking about BEML. Do you still expect the waiting game to be very remunerative even now (after this political disturbance). Doesn't the It enabled sectors attract you more then the PSU or you are non biased towards any of them?
Ramesh S Damani : i like both the sectors. However Psu had more value 4 months back. I like and own BEL, BEML Container among PSU. They are good business not because of disinvestment

abhijit : you seem to have become very cautious about recommending stocks. Are you now now bearish about the market?
Ramesh S Damani : its hard to have a new idea every week. Not practical.

bhaskaran : canu tell me something that would be a multibagger like geometric
Ramesh S Damani : nothing new at the current time

Ramesh S Damani : keep it for long term investments

shortfuse : There were few questions on compudyne which you haven't answered. Is it delibrate. Should we hold compudyne or sell?
Ramesh S Damani : As I said earlier I booked some profits in it.

Sheila : Ramesh, do you feel that the sensex should be changed to include the many PSUs and it-enabled that have clocked big volumes, while the big cement and petrochem cos are hardly moving??
Ramesh S Damani : We can't change the sensex frequently

BASANTM : Business Standard Cal edition carried out a good coverage on the Hospital sector especially MAx and Apollo. DId you get a chance to read that. Do these stocks look set to double over a time frame of 12 months
Ramesh S Damani : Max is in IT, health and telecom. It is great for patient investors. Apollo continues to do well. I own both

Ramesh S Damani : all the stocks have done well. Lets wait and see where to put fresh money

U tolani : mr.damani r u there to answer mw this is 4th time i m asking tht wht shud i do with RINKI PETRO. I HAV 20000 SHARES PLS. ADVICE ME
Ramesh S Damani : sorrry. Don't follow it

BASANTM : Do you feel that the key to finding out multibaggers is to identify companies within a market cap of 75 to 200 crores in good business with great management or is there something else that you look for.
Ramesh S Damani : getting the sector right helps. Remember market values growth. SO if you can be ahead of the crowd that helps the most

ksbsuresh : Mr.Damani, Suggest us some GOOD BOOKS on STOCKS
Ramesh S Damani : one up on wall street by Peter Lych is good for beginners.

Joy : Rameshji,What is your views on Oriental Bank, Jammu Kashmir Bank, Vijaya Bank, Omax Auto for 6 months. Please Answer.
Ramesh S Damani : sorry. I don't follow these stocks

Ramesh S Damani : bel, beml and container

DrHA : What shares do you recommend now for an investment of Rs.50,000/-
Ramesh S Damani : wait till the debate in lok sabha

BASANTM : One great solace is the fact that the general public is still conservatively avoiding all these IT enabled shares and looking at them more as a trading opportunity. Does this make you feel that the rally is still to continue and the best is not behind us.
Ramesh S Damani : yes. Market cap is still 500-700crs of leading co. This is going to be a $10 Billion industry by 2008. Market caps will reflect it

BASANTM : Is it that any share with a market cap reaching 1000 crores makes you avoid the stock or do you always like to equate the M cap with the profitability of the Company and then move ahead
Ramesh S Damani : no. But then the big boys takeover. They ignore small co's and that is to our advantage

ayan : Damaniji why sudden fall in ABB today? A must buy around 243 levels?
Ramesh S Damani : i think it is a good buy. It has 100 rs cash

Devanathan : Could you list your top 3 or 5 IT-enabled companies in terms of quality?
Ramesh S Damani : e-serve, geometric, mcmillan will be the leaders

investor1 : Any Addition I can Do in Mcdowell at 53 rs? Price is not moving..why?
Ramesh S Damani : investors must be patient

babu : this is fifth time I am asking for. suggest me any picks which i can enter
Ramesh S Damani : nothing new. Try Mcmillan

sk : U have always recommended Vysya Bank - It is Karur Vysya - 390 / Vysya Bank - 240 - pl. guide
Ramesh S Damani : i have recommended Karur Vyasya that is at 390

BEE : sir, u are avoiding this question. sensex has just moved below the 200 Day Exp. Moving average, does ur bullish view on mkt still hold in light of it.
Ramesh S Damani : i am not very strong in technicals. However it could be just a blip Focus on stocks

investor : Sir, please answer this one - HLL forms 30% of my portfolio - do u think I need to shuffle ?
Ramesh S Damani : i would leave it. They will find a way to grow again.

investor1 : Damaniji Do you see IT&T crossing its IPO issue price of 81 rs. in this upward move?
Ramesh S Damani : sure. Their call centre business is getting on track.

Joy : Rameshji,now everybody is telling to have professional advice before buying anything. Is it needed specially when we get your suggestion and read magazines like Dalal Street, Intelligent Investor etc.
Ramesh S Damani : yes. listen to all but develop your own conviction. That is imp. Its hard to make money on someone else's conviction.,

anil : sir i am repeating my question third time your views on hughes software should i buy it
Ramesh S Damani : no view. Watching it.,I can only track 2 dozen stocks at a given time. IT may or may not be good. I just don't have an opinion on it

gun : dear rd lemme reiterate u still stand by aztec which outperformed today...may i continue to hold it ...thanks
Ramesh S Damani : hold it

aminur : Ramesh already BPO is well known to everybody. Could you see any new segment, which is going to be next hit in 2003. Logistic business is not getting their recognition. Please comment.
Ramesh S Damani : sure however bpo has a global potential

BASANTM : IT & T. Does this belong to the Vinay Rai group. This management has taken a lot of questionable anti investor decisions in the past Still you recommend it for investment?
Ramesh S Damani : no its different

ruthwick : Generally, what percentage portfolio you keep in a single stock? Thanks
Ramesh S Damani : it should be 10% on the best idea. However its not done often enough

Ramesh S Damani : bpcl will be delayed. HPCL will get done first.

gun : dear rd ..the volumes in macmillan hv dried up to a trickle an investor / trader shd one lose sleep over it or ......
Ramesh S Damani : no. Conviction is a virtue.

BASANTM : Would you not advise all investors to patiently hold the It enabled stock and resist the temptation of trading because in a major upmove the stocks could get lost
Ramesh S Damani : that would be the general idea

Joy : Thanks Rameshji.It's a great advice.And one more thing,What is more important fundamental or technical?I beleive more in the fundamental .Is it?
Ramesh S Damani : over a period of time fundamentals.Technicals are for traders

richa : Ramesh Sir, I have also bought Escorts, as u recommended in yr last few chats. Can we buy more as it has come down to 63?
Ramesh S Damani : i would hold it.

abhijit : BPCL will get delayed... you said.... does that mean it might also not get divested?
Ramesh S Damani : it will. but late

babu : sirrrrrrrrrrrrr please suggest me about Shawwallace,any idea.
Ramesh S Damani : Let us see Vidya's view. Too early to tell

nimish : dear ramesh do you expect hinduja tmt to be in top 5 it enabled sphere
Ramesh S Damani : it could be hard. Lots of competition in the area

Ramesh S Damani : abb. unlikely in the near future

gun : dear rd may i recommend a book to u ...NAVIGATE THE NOISE... to a teeny weeny extent it also refers to info flowing out of chats..amongst others
Ramesh S Damani : thanks

Ramesh S Damani : that woule be bad news

Anand : Sir, as your saying market pays for growth & contrary recommending ABB to hold....... Do u see any turnaround or just value buying!
Ramesh S Damani : value buying.

goaman : i have invested 50000-100000 in the following co eserve geometric tvse htmt tata telecom mcmillan bel concor beml hpcl wyethlederle wockhardt and ge shipping and telco please advice on my portfolio
Ramesh S Damani : you must be a happy man. portfolio looks good

shortfuse : Knowing Mallaya, he will be relentless to increase market share thro' buyouts now that Chab guy has taken a permanent rest.Your view please
Ramesh S Damani : i wouldnt write off Shaw wallace

richa : Dear Ramesh, Pls. tell us yr views on NIIT. I'm stuck up in the share around 335. Shd i hold on to it or get out of it and book losses? Pls. answer, i'm asking for the third time.
Ramesh S Damani : i am going to look at results before taking a view.

gun : dear rd could u share yr views on the auto ancilliary the context of the revival in the auto sector n are there any inv opportunities there...i see a lot of value going begging ..yr words would be a great help ..thanks
Ramesh S Damani : i agree. co;sin auto-anc will report good results. however peonly comes from market fancy

Ramesh S Damani : i would change into something better

goaman : the real enemy of India is not Pakistan but the politicians who play with this countries future your comments please
Ramesh S Damani : the politicians leave a lot to desire. But... in a democracy we get the govt we vote. Thanks for joining in. See you next week. Bye

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'Recovery will be poor...'
'Market seems sluggish'
'Fear of Ayodhya is exaggerated'
'The Budget is bad for investors'
'The next boom is in IT-enabled or biotech'
'Market is on a good wicket'
'PSU stocks should lead the market higher'
'Divestment is a new found backbone'
'Tech will be in trouble'
'Fiscal deficit is out of control'
'China is a manufacturing threat'
'Sensex is ready to test 3800 points'
'Santa is skipping Dalal Street'
'It's a good time to get in'
'Our economy will chug along'
'We are in the early stages of a bull market'
'Cut the bureaucracy'
'The end of the tunnel is in sight'
'Keep an eye on IT'
Credit Policy may be a booster for the markets
'Old economy is in the limelight'
'Software stocks will have some more trouble'
'We should see a good pre-Budget rally'
'The market will punish excesses'
'A lot of middlemen will soon be looking for work'
'Trust in tech'
'The worst seems to be behind us'
'The market looks healthy to me'
'Support levels have been broken'
'Our future is in tech'
'Market pays for growth not size'
'India is an IT destination'
'We should retest 4485'
'The market is a buy'
'We should make a run for Sensex 5000'
'Markets may surprise on the upside'
'The rally seems stretched'
'We should build on this rally'
'Be careful around 4500-4600 levels'
'I see a small rally'
'The market seems to be in a coma'
'It's time to build stable ICE portfolios'
'The market seems poised to go higher'
'The market is making the bears fight'
'Build cash'
'4800 is a technical sell level'
'Take a look at Sensex futures'
'We are seeing a technical rally'
'The market is technically healthy'
'The rally should be led by the liquid A group stocks'
'The road to Dalal street is littered with broken dreams'
'Let's hope it holds at 4200'
'It was a financial Disneyland that corrected'
'Sensex levels above 5100 are not sustainable over next 4-6 weeks'
'We are in an intermediate bearish phase'
'Wait till the NASDAQ stabilises'
'Tech boom is for real'
'Watching the NASDAQ is faddish'
'The market looks ready for a rally'
'The market still lacks conviction'
'The market is falling of its own weight'