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October 10, 2001
Stock Talk

'Infy blundered by not bidding for CMC'

'They gave TCS a great company on a platter. However, if divestment continues like this, it will be a big help to the markets', says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.

bebo : wat do u think of moser baer's results? is the stock worth buyng now?
Ramesh S Damani : Results were good but i do not follow the stock closely.

prita : how will infosys results affect the market?
Ramesh S Damani : I think INFY blundered by not bidding for CMC. They gave TCS a great company on a platter.

deep : how will the market be affected in the light of the US were always worried of laden's reaction. what will happen now?
Ramesh S Damani : It still worries me. If Laden is captured: "Dead or alive", the market would have a great rally. If another terrorist attack takes place, it would be bad news.

bebo : buying equities rite now doesn't seem to be a good idea. do u have suggestions for alternative investmeent avenues?
Ramesh S Damani : Take a look at bullion. Gold and Silver.

nitin : how long do u thnk tat the US bombings against afghanistan last. will tht have a continued impact on the market?
Ramesh S Damani : What the market cannot quantify and hence discount is the probabality of another terrorist attack. That is the wild card.

kelly : will the declaration of results by the infotech companies create some +ve excitement in the mrkt?
Ramesh S Damani : Market is not in a celebration mood. Let's hope after results they don't fall.

kelly : how will the US attacks affect exports?
Ramesh S Damani : Yes it has. We are heading into a recession. Software, textiles will be affected.

ad : which is the most active counter int the market now?
Ramesh S Damani : It seems like HCL Tech is one. Dr Reddy attracts good attention.

jaswant : dear sir, you told us that you have invested in Indian Hotels @ Rs 215 & you are still holding the same when it is 120. You don't follow stop-loss ? Is stop loss only for traders?
Ramesh S Damani : I am still holding it. It was an investment decision. WTC attacks devastated the tourism industry. I added some at Rs 125 region. At Rs 125, market cap of Indian Hotels is about Rs 500 crores or $100million. That is a value buy.

pinky : i want to start investing in stocks. how do i start?
Ramesh S Damani : Pinky ask some friends for a recommendation or go to Look for a good idea for your first investment

kartik : is cement a good sector to invest now? if war happens then cement wld be required no?
Ramesh S Damani : Cement is required even if infrastructure picks up. It is a competitive industry though. More money would be made on takeovers in cement than in profits though.

rita : wat do u thnk of pharma stocks? any recommendations ther?
Ramesh S Damani : I tend to not follow pharma stocks. Hence no great wisdom.

investor : sir, did you get a chance to see Samual Huntington's thesis on coming crisis? if yes. your views please
Ramesh S Damani : No I did not yet. What are his arguments?

rita : u have said tat breweries is a good idea. do u still thnk so?
Ramesh S Damani : Yup. I just bought some Mc Dowell today. It is around RS 31.50. Good bet.

snd : Won't the current situation help Defence suppliers like Bharat Electronics ?
Ramesh S Damani : It will. They remain upbeat about FY 2002 prospects. Could do a EPS of Rs 25. So it is cheap.

gina : sir i would like to ask you that how long is this downfall in the market is goin to continue
Ramesh S Damani : It is hard to predict that. All we can tell is the market remains weak and in a sense of drift.

yudi : no one is talking of oil sector these days. y is tat? do u thnk investing in oil stocks is a good idea now?
Ramesh S Damani : Not many pure bets. I would avoid the PSU stocks. HOEC is a small cap.

yudi : shld we buy cmc now tat it is goin to be merged with tata?
Ramesh S Damani : I think it could be delisted so no great idea to buy.

boheii : Is Tata Power a good buy now
Ramesh S Damani : I own some and it is a good defensive investment,

lajju : icici & sbi which one will be better value buy
Ramesh S Damani : Among the two, SBI.

lyla : how are ADRs of indian companies doing?
Ramesh S Damani : As Siddhu might say crashing like a cheap cycle stand in Chennai.

praveen : sir what about gtb,i have some should i sell it or hold.
Ramesh S Damani : I would sell it.

lyla : u thnk the prob will enron will be ever resolved?
Ramesh S Damani : Yes it will or say Ta-Ta to FDI. Govt (read Taxpayers) will pay the bill.

tara : Are Infosys, HLL a good buy now
Ramesh S Damani : Not at the current time. Price moment in INFY is bad.

nameless : Dear Rameshbhai, is Zee a good buy at its present pice of Rs 74? How bullish are you about other media scrips?
Ramesh S Damani : Since WTC business, ad business has gone for a toss. If he sells management control, the script could be a winner.

lajju : is blue star a good buy
Ramesh S Damani : I have not looked at it recently. Any new news ?

pal : Is Tata Finance a good buy. It seems low priced despite the problems it has faced recently.
Ramesh S Damani : Why should Tata be in Finance? They can't manage car, steel, how can thney manage finance?

rahulsaxena : do u think market will recover
Ramesh S Damani : Ultimately it always does.

devyesh : shares of IBP are marching forard in last few days.R they a good buy keeping an eye on the divestment scenario ?
Ramesh S Damani : Around Rs 300-325 it seems a good bet. However the disinvestment must attract Foreign Investment.

nameless : Rameshbhai, do you think the disinvestment in CMC, HTL and Maruti will help lift the markets?
Ramesh S Damani : If the disinvestment process continues it will be a big help.

brokerfriend : bcoz of the depression in teh market how badly have brokers been affected? have u exprienced big losses personally?
Ramesh S Damani : We all are facing tough times. I try to limit losses.

Kalyanaraman : "IDBI saddled with towering NPAs : Vora " our deposits with PSU banks safe ? is it advisable to switch over to foriegn banks ? or such a pessimistic view about PSU banks is unwarranted ?
Ramesh S Damani : I retain a pessimistic view. GOI finances are in disorder, so it follows bank finances will also be.

abhay : dear rameshji,what is your opinion about PSU like B.E.L. & BH.EARTH.MOOVERS
Ramesh S Damani : I like both of them. Own them too.

devyesh : rameshbhai, i strongly disagree with ur view on tata !
Ramesh S Damani : I respect that. But what is incorrect in my opinion.

ash : Sir, what about tisco at present level
Ramesh S Damani : Avoid it, Steel prices are collapsing world wide.

Ramesh S Damani : Beware of the rupee depreciating though.

pal : Do you seriously feel that Pentamedia is not even worth Rs 20. I agree management is not very good transparent but it has been rated as the best animation Co in the world
Ramesh S Damani : By themselves. I would still avoid it.

AnilRaoTV : Dear Sir,Even though cement price is high still industry is suffering because of low consumption,how do you rate cement industry's growth in the comming six months or so.
Ramesh S Damani : It will be slow according to GACL. It will take a year for supply overhand to be removed.

kitty : are u happy now tat the CMC divestment has happenend successfully? do u thnk india's divestment is on track?
Ramesh S Damani : I am happy. However large challenges remain. You have to attract a foreign bidder.

amrut : i have recently bought colour-chem,BASF,Sygenta,ciba speciality,abb, are they still worth holding?
Ramesh S Damani : I like and own ABB. BASF and Sygenta are good bets too.

abhay : are you still bullish in P.S.U.for long term .
Ramesh S Damani : If the disinvestment process keeps on.

adinath : How is NIIT doing??
Ramesh S Damani : It will be a bad year. However its market cap is less then Rs 400 crs. Most of the bad news may be factored in.

Big_investor : Ramesh Bhai, It slowdown, Rupee devaluation, Global Economic Slowdown, American attack and retalliation...... like this there are many factors which are influencing present market. Now how safe is it to take the risk of investing in secondary market?
Ramesh S Damani : It is risky. However buy companies that will emerge stronger from this environment or are absolute values.

raj : if it is between the two vsnl and L&T which would you suggest?
Ramesh S Damani : I own both, but would prefer L&T

devyesh : Tatas have been managing Tisco very well. They are the lowest cost producer of steel in the world. I weigh the downturn in the steel industry worldwide, but once the economy jerks up, the TISCO would go places. Same about Telco, except Maruti all the teh autos are doing bad. Whereas, look at the TELCO.Profits are definately bad, but, who is surviving in the auto carnage in india ?I would say that their Steel & Auto are part of the sectors that are in the recessionary phase & would recover as soon as the economy revives fundamentally.
Ramesh S Damani : Why did Tata blow Rs 4000 crores on Indica? They had no business in there. Steel is a commodity business. What is management doing for shareholders? In the midst of the Infotech boom, Tata Infotech loses money. In the middle of stock market boom Tata Finance has a Rs 400cr scam. You tell me my friend?

market : how has the derivatives market developed in India in your opinion?
Ramesh S Damani : Quite well. Wait for stock futures. It will be big.

dattu : Once there was a theory that out of one's earnings one should donate 10% rest he should invest in business, bullion, property & some in cash. You beleive in it & if yes pl specify percenteges
Ramesh S Damani : You should do charity at the end of your career, not in the middle. Make the pot grow.

parag : what do ya think about ADANI EXPORTS at this level
Ramesh S Damani : Avoid it.

mansih : dear sir,can u tell me something about zee,escort,as if i am having share of said company,should i hold or sell it of?
Ramesh Damani : i would hold both.

atyagi : How will Rama vision fare in the next ten years.
Ramesh Damani : Don't follow this stock. Sorry.

ap : r u a bull or a bear
Ramesh Damani : I try to be a realist and make money.

market : you earlier said markets would rally to 3500-3600 levels post July, now when do you think they will reach that levels?
Ramesh Damani : post july it did. currently it looks a long way away

rajyasrebiswas : What do you think about Mukta Arts for investment purpose?
Ramesh Damani : It is a good company, but not the right time to buy.

ap : Where do u see sensex in dec 2001
Ramesh Damani : I am an analyst not an astrologer.

srinu : can u tell me about futures in nse?
Ramesh Damani : This is a very vague question. Thanks for joining me and see you all next week. Goodbye

Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST.


'Despair grips the markets!'
'Sensex will hold at 2500 points'
'We have to bring the buyer back'
'Fiscal situation is getting out of control'
'Most traders lose money'
'I am not optimistic on the market'
'Futures and options are risky'
'A collapse will force long-term structural reforms'
'A sickness prevails in Dalal Street'
'The mutual fund industry has to grow up'
'The Sensex could go below 2900 technically'
'The market looks weak and vulnerable'
'The Finance Minister must take UTI to task'
'Market may rally to 4250-4500 after July 2'
'Hold serious investments till July 2'
'Another bull run will depend on FII investment'
'Market may be vulnerable to a few more shocks'
'People will have to start learning about derivatives'
'Buy an index fund'
'The market will be sluggish with sharp moves'
'The Sensex could rally to 3650-3800'
'We have made a technical bottom'
'The small investor has retired hurt'
'Let the guilty be punished'
'Market is overdue for a technical rally'
'Excessive speculation and outstandings caused crisis'
'One can start buying'
'Speculative bubbles always have bad endings'
'Sensex should cross 4550'
'Markets are nervous'
'Tech stocks will benefit from a soft Budget'
'A new bull market will have new leaders'
'The country seems to recover'
'The Sensex could test 4500'
'Old economy is in the limelight'
'Software stocks will have some more trouble'
'We should see a good pre-Budget rally'
'The market will punish excesses'
'A lot of middlemen will soon be looking for work'
'Trust in tech'
'The worst seems to be behind us'
'The market looks healthy to me'
'Support levels have been broken'
'Our future is in tech'
'Market pays for growth not size'
'India is an IT destination'
'We should retest 4485'
'The market is a buy'
'We should make a run for Sensex 5000'
'Markets may surprise on the upside'
'The rally seems stretched'
'We should build on this rally'
'Be careful around 4500-4600 levels'
'I see a small rally'
'The market seems to be in a coma'
'It's time to build stable ICE portfolios'
'The market seems poised to go higher'
'The market is making the bears fight'
'Build cash'
'4800 is a technical sell level'
'Take a look at Sensex futures'
'We are seeing a technical rally'
'The market is technically healthy'
'The rally should be led by the liquid A group stocks'
'The road to Dalal street is littered with broken dreams'
'Let's hope it holds at 4200'
'It was a financial Disneyland that corrected'
'Sensex levels above 5100 are not sustainable over next 4-6 weeks'
'We are in an intermediate bearish phase'
'Wait till the NASDAQ stabilises'
'Tech boom is for real'
'Watching the NASDAQ is faddish'
'The market looks ready for a rally'
'The market still lacks conviction'
'The market is falling of its own weight'


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