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Questions R Gopal didn't answer

Mohanna (Fri Sep 5 1997 19:58 IST)
Hello Mr Gopal, great to be here with you, sir do you think that Veerappan will become another Phoolan Devi

JHPatel (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:7 IST)
Shouldn't Veerappan be made the chief of the Indian intelligence bureau? 600 BSF men couldn't catch him. Amazing !! isn't it?

Dheeraj (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:11 IST)
Its strange isn't it a man who doesn't respect anyone's life respects and values his life so much:-)

JHPatel (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:16 IST)
Sir, Lot of his gang men got killed by police. How many do you think he still has in his team? Are there any chances that one of them is against surrender and float his own gang (as it happens in movies).

Jason (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:26 IST)
Mr Gopal: Tell us about your views of Veerappan as a person

Mak (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:28 IST)
You r certainly not blowing your trumpet.. It's a genuine fact that you brought in a turning point in the whole case, which none of the police force could do...What is your opinion about Veerappan being allowed as an harmless social member (Im afraid, there will be more harm to him from others than the harm he could give to the society)

veerappan (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:32 IST)
Hai, wont it have been simple to catch him, if the police had given u a electronic bug and traced it? why are we not thinking on these lines?

Maria (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:35 IST)
Mr Gopal: Why have you involved yourself as Veerappan and the State governments intermediary?

veerappan (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:36 IST)
Both u and veerappan look similar, especially ur moustache, don't u stand of risk of being confused for veerappan and be killed in the forests? Is ur moustache influenced by the veerapan style??? lol

veerappan (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:41 IST)
I am sure despite ur publiscised intentions, u r meeting veerapan more as a publicity gimmick to increase the circulation of nakeeran? has nakeeran sales gone up?

JHPatel (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:41 IST)
Like you have video taped the interviews with him in the forest, why can't you record his statement saying who all politicians supported him. This might be a great service to the nation. Or else, these people might give birth to another veerappan.

Mak (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:42 IST)
From your answers, it is implied that public money has beed robbed more by politicians and bureaucrats than by veerappan. Don't you think an inquiry commission necessary to pin point those culprits, who were responsible for this...Even Veerappan himself may not be able to identify these people...

veerappan (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:43 IST)
hi gopal, i am veerappan from the jungle!! i am connected by mobile phone!!

When do we meet next??

veerappan (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:45 IST)
hi gopal u are ignoring me, if u dont answer me, i will divide you (divide = "vahuthuduvan" in tamil!! lol

veerappan (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:55 IST)
r u expecting a noble prize?

Venkat (Fri Sep 5 1997 20:57 IST)
Do you think that he will be left alive if he comes out and surrenders ?

velu (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:1 IST)
hello Mr Gopal You have done a good job as a media man do u supporting veerappan?

Raghuveeer (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:3 IST)
Mr Gopal are you pro or anti Veerappan

Mahesh (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:4 IST)
Hello Mr. Gopal this is mahesh from Marist College, I wish to ask you what exactly exchanged between you and Veerapan

Venkat (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:4 IST)
Mr.Gopal, why not answer in short ?

RR (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:6 IST)
Some commentators have criticised any negotiations for on the grounds that Veerappan has lost most of gang members and is increasingly becoming isolated. Perhaps that's why he's willing to consider surrender. Do you think Veerappan's operational capability, especially to kill, is greatly diminished compared to, say, 5 years ago ?

Venkat (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:7 IST)
Okay, be frank -- do you think his life will be spared if he comes out of the jungle and surrenders ?

Mahesh (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:8 IST)
Mr. Gopal I guess you are very busy answering everybody else's questions, hence i want to quit this chat and just to compliment you that you did a great job..bye

Venkat (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:8 IST)
Sorry, but waiting is painful

Mahesh (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:8 IST)
Mr. Gopal I guess you are very busy answering everybody else's questions, hence i want to quit this chat and just to compliment you that you did a great job..bye

JHPatel (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:9 IST)
Who supplies him the ammunition? Does he make his own bombs?

velu (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:11 IST)
Gobal sir : Veerappan Knows that he will be die like his brother, may i know what the under ground ..... in it.

Karunanidhi (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:13 IST)
as a journalist would u be disappointed, if veerappan surrenders and finishes the story, u will then have to go to srilanka to negotiate the surrender of prabhakaran!! lol

Venkat (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:13 IST)
Sorry Gopal, it is getting unbearable. I am quitting. Congrats on all the work you have done. Best of luck in all your ventures. Great talking to you.

RR (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:22 IST)
It must require considerable courage to do what you have done. Well done ! Do you feel, at any point, that your margin for safety is just a bit increased because Veerappan is getting publicity through you ?

JHPatel (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:28 IST)
Thanks Mr. Gopal. Wish u all the success in ur future projects.

velu (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:29 IST)
one gov(admk) wish (TN )to KILL HIM -Mr . valter even now redy,, other gov hand shaking? what happ do jaya an co asked moreee money?

RR (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:31 IST)
Mr. Gopal, thanks for the Chat. Good wishes for the future.

Karunanidhi (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:33 IST)

Dev (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:34 IST)

velu (Fri Sep 5 1997 21:36 IST)
i am not telling two gov?, ADMK jaya & co GOV AND the new DMK GOV?DO JAYA & co asked more money to solve it ?